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译文如下 (根据我的个人理解翻译的) 希望能抛砖引玉
Incorporating tunnel project practices, we resort to the approach of "Three-Holes" to excavate the fault surface of earthy tunnel and we monitor the subsidence status, keeping track on the status for each section of the tunnel. Based on the analysis of the results, we propose the measures to control subsidence, which are further verified through the passing of historical heritage sites. The results reveal that (1) The subsidence-controlling method for a certain tunnel is feasible and the subsidence is within acceptable range, which satisfies the need to protect cultural relics (2) Selecting suitable subsidence-controlling standard is important. Monitoring data and subsidence-controlling method can be of service to future project design, execution, and research.
译文如下 (根据我的个人理解翻译的) 希望能抛砖引玉
Incorporating tunnel project practices, we resort to the approach of "Three-Holes" to excavate the fault surface of earthy tunnel and we monitor the subsidence status, keeping track on the status for each section of the tunnel. Based on the analysis of the results, we propose the measures to control subsidence, which are further verified through the passing of historical heritage sites. The results reveal that (1) The subsidence-controlling method for a certain tunnel is feasible and the subsidence is within acceptable range, which satisfies the need to protect cultural relics (2) Selecting suitable subsidence-controlling standard is important. Monitoring data and subsidence-controlling method can be of service to future project design, execution, and research.
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