早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
请谈论网上购物(internet shopping)的利(advantages)与弊(disadvantages)..要求自己写的 好处 包含:方便 不排队 24小时营业 不足:看不见物品 不能享受和朋友一起购物的乐趣...
要求:1语言流畅,规范 2.包涵提示内容 3.80词左右.
请谈论网上购物(internet shopping)的利(advantages)与弊(disadvantages)..要求自己写的 好处 包含:方便 不排队 24小时营业 不足:看不见物品 不能享受和朋友一起购物的乐趣...
要求:1语言流畅,规范 2.包涵提示内容 3.80词左右.
I notice that more and more people around me go shopping online instead of going
shopping in stores nowadays.They hold on this idea for the convenience.They don't need to stand in line to buy what they want.And the shop online opens 24 hours every day.But I'm against this opinion.Because we can not really see the things and will be cheated by the untrue information.I also think that shopping online will make us lose the joy shopping with our friends.
shopping in stores nowadays.They hold on this idea for the convenience.They don't need to stand in line to buy what they want.And the shop online opens 24 hours every day.But I'm against this opinion.Because we can not really see the things and will be cheated by the untrue information.I also think that shopping online will make us lose the joy shopping with our friends.
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