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The end of the Northern Song Dynasty,Jinbing invasion of the Central Plains,a surnamed Bian generals led troops via Luoyang,the winter season when seasonal treasures paraquat yellow,Qianshu few scenes of desolation.
General anxious to Cuima journey,whips broken,it Shunshou charge-offs in the street for a black sheep,Ma Xiangdong to stop fighting.
After across,one day he led his troops in Yancheng in Jiangsu Province to the positions they town,is Renkunmafa others,need rest.General Xiamaguan,look around,the right to make the black sheep whips into the ground,in order to Suobu camped in this……
The following year in the spring,that part was inserted into the ground floor of black sheep out of the bud,at a new leaf,with the Guyu over,and magically open a bright beautiful flowers.Local people heard in the matter,came from a radius of thymol have spent burning incense.The Yaonong identification,to know is a peony.People Benzouxianggao:"Song is expected,the Song is expected." Peony and this referred to as "black sheep Peony." Later,local people built Taiwan's contributions to the construction of the "black sheep Peony Garden," which enshrined this Peony.
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