早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享



That Christmas Eve , the streets of Boston were crowded with people dressed in wool and flannel (法兰敏). Jingle Bells was playing in stores. Everyone? it seemed was   5   by someone else smiling or     6    . I was alone.

The eldest of a Puerto Rican family of 11 children growing up in one of New York's 7   apartments I'd spent much of my life    8    solitude (独处).Now 9    , at 27, I was enduring the last break-up of a sev?en-year relationship.  Every part of me wanted to be 10    , but not at Christmas.My family had returned to Puerto Rico and my 11   were involved in their own lives. Dusk was falling and the unavoidable return to my 12 apartment brought tears to my eyes.

I stopped at the local market? feeling even more 13 when I saw all the people there filling their bas?kets with gifts. I 14 my family my friends and the noisy parties at home filled with laughter and dancing. I wanted to cry for having wanted to be alone and for having   15 it.

In front of the church down the street a manger (马槽)had been set up with Mary Joseph and the barn animals in 16 of the arrival of baby Jesus. As I walked home I 17 that the story of Joseph and Mary wandering from door to door seeking shelter was much like my own. Leaving Puerto Rico was still a  18 in my soul and I was struggling with whom I had become in my 15 years in theUnited States. I'd mourned my losses 19   for the first time I recognized what I'd gained. I was 20 .educated and healthy. My life was still before me full of  21   Sometimes the best    22    is the one you give yourself. That Christmas I gave myself credit  23   I'd accomplished so far and permission to go   24  unafraid. It was the best gift I've ever received the one that I most treasure.

5.A. chosen       B. bothered

C.allowed   D. accompanied

6.A.working  B.laughing

C.studying  D.thinking

7.A.crowded  B.expensive

C.cheerful   D.large

8.A.looking for     B. looking at

C.looking through    D.looking over

9.A.finally     B.easily

C.quickly    D.likely

10.A. patient       B. strict

C.alone       D. private

11.A. friends       B. dreams

C.guests      D. customers

12.A. beautiful    B. interesting

C.clean       D. empty

13.A. pleased      B. upset

C.surprised       D. curious

14.A. hated  B. loved

C.missed     D. forgot

15.A. achieved    B. refused

C.preferred D. offered

16.A. search B. expectation

C.position   D. control

17.A. imagined    B. sighed

C.realized   D. expressed

18.A. effort  B. belief

C.wound   D. wish

19.A. but     B. so

C.because    D. though

20 A. excited       B. independent

C.ordinary  D. worthless

21.A. desires       B. possibilities

C.ideals     D. advantages

22. A. gift     B. lesson

C.purpose   D. memory

23.A. on      B. in

C.at     D. for

24.A. upward      B. down

C.around     D. forward




D choose选择;bother打扰;allow允许;accompany陪伴。似乎每个人都有人陪伴。故选D。

B work工作;laugh大笑;study学习;think思考。似乎每个人都有人陪伴,脸上绽放出幸福的笑容。这里用laughing 和前面的smiling搭配,符合语境。故选B。

A crowded拥挤的;expensive昂贵的;cheerful快乐的; large大的。作为一个波多黎各家庭里11个孩子中的长子, "我"在纽约的一个拥挤的公寓里长大。一个家族有11个孩子,应该选crowded(拥挤的),故选A。

A look for寻找;look at看;look through浏览;look over 检査,察看,从……看过去,原谅。从语境看,"我"生长于一个大家庭,所以"我"一直在寻找一个人独处的机会,故选A。

A finally终于;easily容易地;quickly快速地;likely很可能。此时.此刻,终于,在作者27岁时,作者结束了一段7年的恋情之后得到了他想要的孤独,可他却怎么也高兴不起来。故选A。

C patient耐心的;strict严格的;alone —个人;private私人的。句意:"我"想一个人独处,但不是在圣诞节。故选C。

A friend朋友s dream梦想;guest客人;customer顾客。前面提到:"我"的家人已经返回了波多黎各,故这里说"我" 的朋友们都忙于自己的生活。故选A。

D beautiful漂亮的;interesting有意思的;clean干净的; empty空的。天色晚了,想到要回去那空落落的公寓,"我" 的眼泪就涌了出来。故选D。

B pleased高兴的i upset心烦的;surprised吃惊的;euri-ous好奇的。"我"在集市边停下脚步,看到人们往篮子里装着礼物,心中感到更加沮丧。故选B。

C hate恨;love爱;miss想念;forget忘记。"我"想念起家人、朋友和家里热热闹闹的聚会,聚会充满了笑声和舞蹈。节日会令人思念亲人。故选C。

A achieve获得,实现;refuse拒绝;prefer更喜欢;offer提供。"我"得到了想要的孤独,却忍不住想哭出来。故选A。

B search寻找;expectation期待;position位置;control控制,管理。在街道尽头的教堂前,布置好了一条马槽,玛丽、约瑟夫和马厩里的动物们都在期待着耶稣降临。故选B。

C imagine想象;sigh叹息;realize意识到;express表达。回家的路上,"我"意识到约瑟夫和玛丽挨家挨户寻求庇护的故事就如同"我"自己的经历。故选C。

C effort努力;belief信念;wound伤痛;wish愿望。离开波多黎各始终是"我"心头难以化解的痛楚,"我"一直在想, 15年的美国生活让"我"变成了一个什么样的人。带人四个选项分析可知,选C。

A but但是;so因此;because因为;though虽然。"我"本应为"我"所失去的感到难过.但"我"第一次认识到"我"获得了什么。故选A.

B excited激动的;independent独立的;ordinary平凡的; worthless—文不值的。"我"是一个独立的、受过良好教育的、健康的青年。结合前面的家人、朋友离开,以及和女朋友分手可知,"我"现在是一个人。故选B。

B desire心愿,欲望;possibility可能性;ideal理想;advan?tage 优势。 生活道路就在"我"的脚下,充满了无尽的可能性。未来什么都有可能发生。故选B。

A gift礼物;lesson课;purpose目的;memory记忆。有时候,最好的礼物是你送给自己的礼物。故选A。

D on关于;in在……内;at在;for因为。那个圣诞节, "我"送给自己的是肯定和许诺,肯定自己过去的努力,许诺自己将不惧一切,奋勇向前。give... credit for的意思是:相信某人有……。故选D。

D upward向上;down向下 around大约,到处;forward 向前。"我"许诺自己将不惧一切,奋勇向前。故选D。