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After ten years of the world,believe that technology has been well developed,such asthe emergence of air purification machine,artificial heart,the world water in ten years,due to rapid population growth,the earth mother really does not have the ability to"nurture" so many "children".How to do?Then the earth government decided we part of human moved to the moon.This not only has the nationality and the "star Ji".Butyou don't have to worry about back and forth very troublesome,because at that timewe have invented the "rocket car",it has the speed of a rocket,the car's shape,in the universe there are special "road" let us pass,there is also a professional "cosmicrobot of traffic police".You see,Is it right?Very convenient ah!But there are alsoshortcomings,is the people living on the moon,only in the Mid Autumn Festival"enjoying the earth"!In addition,our agricultural production technology has greatly improved the.We will gene and structures of various kinds of fruit are analyzed and compared,and then successfully create a named "to cultivate a variety of fruit plants",referred to as "more fruit material".For example,you use the apple,mango,bananagene,the plant that cultivated only node mango,apple,banana,and the productionspeed is very fast,can be 5 minutes,its production is also very big.See here,you must be very surprised,5 minutes is not mature,and what the production ofhormones?You may rest assured that our "duoguo objects" absolute pure natural.Ah!I forgot to tell you,because we are the "Duo Guo" by the broad masses of thesupport and welcome,here we don't sell fruit,but fruit gene!And vegetables and meatalso like them,selling vegetables and meat gene gene,there is also a seafood gene,is still being studied,not to believe that very soon out!There is one of the mostpowerful - our planet in a head to the other end of the earth to get through three tunnels,the first is to go,second,is a middle road,if the car accident of some kind,there can be a little more stop.The third is the back tunnel.The middle of the tunnelis much larger than the other two,also used for emergency passage.Here you must be surprised to see,not have the hot magma inside the earth?How do we get throughthe three tunnel?That's because we adopted the new technology -- the "nano fiberwith high temperature resistance".We extracted magma information,and then the improved success,easily get through three tunnels.Ten years after the world is colorful,as long as we study hard,more things will certainly be invented!
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