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英语口语,根据主题阐述自己的看法,不少于三分钟..主题是一句Robert Heinlein的话,求帮助!
I never learned from a man who agreed with me.——Robert Heinlein.求大家帮忙!真心感谢!
I never learned from a man who agreed with me.——Robert Heinlein.求大家帮忙!真心感谢!
I never learned from a man who agreed with
me.It means that we learn only if our friends or even enemies points out our flaws
to improve ourselves.I do agree with this opinion.I heard from a senior
manager that for a manager to lead a successful team,there must exist many conflicts or
disagreements.With total agreement to the initial plan,the project would be
vulnerable.So the success of a team is to engage all team members,
source different opinions,discuss solution of major disagreements and finally
get the best resolution.Only in this case can a project succeed with minimum
risk.So a smart team leader knows how to select a resourceful member
rather than a yes-man.This example confirmed the point of Robert Heinlein—people benefits from
those who provide different opinions.
me.It means that we learn only if our friends or even enemies points out our flaws
to improve ourselves.I do agree with this opinion.I heard from a senior
manager that for a manager to lead a successful team,there must exist many conflicts or
disagreements.With total agreement to the initial plan,the project would be
vulnerable.So the success of a team is to engage all team members,
source different opinions,discuss solution of major disagreements and finally
get the best resolution.Only in this case can a project succeed with minimum
risk.So a smart team leader knows how to select a resourceful member
rather than a yes-man.This example confirmed the point of Robert Heinlein—people benefits from
those who provide different opinions.
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