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介绍芬兰 英文
In the arctic regions of alternate between day and night, has its own special rhythm: midnight sun shines at noon, and may also may darkness. Because of the high north Finland is located in a position, and 1/4 territory, so every summer across the arctic on July 5, especially long and sunlight time. The northern lapland, thousands of years, high sun week called "coldness, namely" midnight sun "spectacle. Midsummer, north of Bates about two months, will continue to appear ", do not fall season "in Finland, most north point -- north point is called the midnight sun village, the sun hung over 73, sky high.
Summer is the best valuable time, full of sunshine of summer season is in Finland. Midnight sun in Finland is so special and exciting, so that the Finn will unreservedly in a different way to enjoy the unique BuYeTian, numerous Nordic city town will celebrate the midsummer celebration that no darkness. "Midsummer festival" in Finland has a very long history, has also been finns believe is the most romantic, auspicious day, so many people choose this special day wedding. You can post in the north to relatives and friends postcards, also can be obtained by a certificate of the arctic, across more can know the arctic amorous feelings, the study of traditional culture and lapland. As native sami people visiting lapland, visit the home of their villages and reindeer farms
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