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It is well known,England certainly is not a sole nation-state.It including the English people,the Scotland person,the Welsh person and the Northern Ireland person,they respectively has own tradition and the national culture approval The English and the American have same many in the disposition place,if they all very much have politeness,good makes the friend,is glad helps the person,optimistic,is fastidious the good faith,humorous,respect legal system But they also have many differently place The English for person's first impression is serious in speech and manner and conservative,but the American is enters warmly,open and bright natural,is easy to approach The English humorous and the American is different,they always do not exaggerate the expression and the vulgar language earn others' smiling,their humor,is one language art The English is the language master English's sense of humor commonly used on trying to justify oneself after being ridiculed,they is used to an originally very bad matter talks into with the irony the good deed,fully demonstrates their optimism spirit.
看了 英语翻译众所周知,英国并不是...的网友还看了以下:

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雨果在《纪念伏尔泰逝世一百周年的演说》中说:“他的摇篮可以看做伟大朝代的最后一缕宝光,他的灵柩是那  2020-05-13 …

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1878年,法国大作家雨果在纪念伏尔泰逝世一百周年的演讲中说:“伏尔泰战胜了敌人。他孤军奋战,打了  2020-06-16 …

1878年,法国大作家雨果在纪念伏尔泰逝世一百周年的演讲中说:“伏尔泰战胜了敌人。他孤军奋战,打了  2020-06-16 …

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读一读下面名人的话,然后填空.⒈马克思说:“劳动创造了美.”⒉高尔基说:“我们世界上最美好的东西,读  2020-11-04 …