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   假设你是林丽,请以“Saving Siberian Tigers”为 题,根据以下提示,向报社写一篇80词左右的保护 东北虎的倡议书。


1. 东北虎强壮漂亮,是人们在动物园最喜欢观 看的动物之一。

2. 现在世界上仅存3000只左右的东北虎,它们 的数量越来越少。

3. 东北虎处境危险的原因:人们砍伐森林,东北 虎没有栖息地。

4. 保护东北虎的建议:建更多的自然保护区

                      Saving Siberian Tigers



One possible version :

                 Saving Siberian Tigers 

Dear Sir/Madam  

   Do you know the beautiful Siberian tigers? Have you seen them in the zoo? I think the Siberian tiger is one of the most popular animals that people like to see in the zoo. The reason is that they are strong and beautiful. But nowadays there are only   3. 000 or so Siberian tigers in the world, and the amount of them is decreasing. Why? Because many forests are cut down and they have no places to live in. In order to protect them we should build more nature reserves. Besides we must make laws to stop people from hunting them.

Let's try our best to save the strong and beautiful tigers.


 Lin Li