早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


  Sheri Straily never knew how far life's highway could take her  1  her dream for her children helped her find out...?

  Growing up,Sheri  2  thought for a moment that she'd  3  it to college. Instead,she took a job driving a tractor trailer.  4  years passed,Sheri fell in love,married and had three children.  5  she wanted to be close to home,she  6  to a desk job at the trucking company.?

  But one day after work,while Sheri was  7  her kids playing,she began to think, “I want them to achieve so much,but how can I afford to give them the  8  they'll need like college?”?

  Then it came to her:she was the one who needed  9  first.?

 10  for it,”her husband encouraged her.So Sheri enrolled at the University of Denver's Women's College,  11  let her take all of her classes on weekends,so she  12  still work.?

  Though Sheri loved her  13  she missed home.Sheri would stay at home on weekends.?

    14  make the two-hour trip to school.“I wish I were home with Steve and the   15  ,”she'd think.But Eric,eight,Ryan,seven,and Kristin,five,  16  their mom all the way.“ ? 17 ? do your best,”they said.?

  Sheri did,getting straight A's as she entered a  18  in business administration. Now she is attending the University of Denver Law School on a merit scholarship.?

“It hasn't been  19  ,”wrote Sheri,“but it's  20  for me and my family.”?

1.A.after     B.before        C.until         D.once?

2.A.never       B.just          C.ever         D.even?

3.A.hit         B.make         C.admit         D.have?

4.A.Since       B.With         C.While         D.As?

5. A.Because     B.For          C.Therefore     D.Thus?

6.A.asked       B.returned       C.switched      D.sought?

7.A.finding      B.noticing       C.seeing        D.watching?

8.A.opportunities         B.money        C.jobs         D.career?

9.A.school             B.college       C.help         D.assistance?

10.A.Go               B.Search       C.Get          D.Come?

11.A.that               B.where        C.which        D.as?

12.A.could             B.must         C.should        D.may?

13.A.teachers           B.studies       C.classmates     D.job?

14.A.rather than         B.other than     C.as well as     D.less than?

15.A.kids               B.relatives       C.husband       D.parents?

16.A.opposed           B.backed       C.agreed        D.liked?

17.A.Rarely             B.Just         C.Still          D.Never?

18.A.degree             B.work         C.job           D.interview?

19.A.difficult           B.unusual       C.ordinary       D.easy?

20.A.rewarding          B.interesting     C.moving           D.demanding??

