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Today is Monday.School is over.A and B are having a chat.
A:A stressful ['strɛsfəl] thing to come
B:Don’t try to do a snow job on me!
A:But model plane exam is coming.It’s on Saturday.
B:Oh,I see.
A:I saving for a rainy day .
B:Wish you success[sək'sɛs]
It’s Friday.A,B and C are on the way home.
B:Tomorrow is Saturday.Are you ready,
C:What’s A going to do tomorrow?
B:A is going to take part in a model plane exam.But we are in a fog about it.
A:Would you like to come?
B&C:Of course.
It is Saturday.There're many people in the park.
B:Wow!Are they your new shoes?
A:Yes.What about?
B:They are so much cooler
C:Your plane looks good.I think you can success [sək'sɛs]!
A:Thank you!
Last time,A Pass the exam.
Today is Monday. School is over (for the day)【也可以说classes are over.】. A and B are having a chat. 【A and B are chatting.】A: A stressful ['strɛsfəl] thing to come !B: Don’t try to...
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