早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


【70564】 She often sleeps during the day time,because her work is on night _____.
A. turn
B. shift
C. change
D. move
【70655】 The policeman caught the thief in the very _____ of stealing.
A. act
B. action
C. deed
D. performance
【70722】 Please remind him of the letter lest he _____ to post it.
A. forgets
B. forgot
C. forget
D. forgotten
【70735】 An expert is _____ who has knowledge,skill or training.
A. that
B. one
C. which
D. such
【70743】 Pardon me,sir,will you _____ me a favour.
A. make
B. give
C. have
D. do
【70759】 There was a choice of four prizes,and the winner could _____ any one of them.
A. elect
B. pick
C. select
D. prefer
【70798】 Vingo and his family _____ in Brunswick,just before Jacksonville.
A. used to live
B. used to living
C. were used to living
D. got used to live
【70833】 To get my traveler's check I had to _____ a special check to the bank for the total amount.
A. make for
B. make out
C. make off
D. make up
【70838】 It is reported that today _____ president will have lunch with _____ President Bush.
A. the…the
B. a…a
C. the…/
D. /…/
【74051】 _____ were ironed by my mother yesterday.
A. The all sheets
B. All of sheets
C. All the sheets
D. Sheets of all
二、Dialogues (一共5题,每题8分.)
【71199】 -- Wendy,I'd like you to meet my brother Sam.
-- _____
A. I am Wendy.
B. I heard about you.
C. Nice to meet you.
D. Ok.
【71200】 -- I hope you're enjoying your stay here.
-- _____.
A. Thank you.
B. That's all right.
C. Not at all.
D. Yes,I like it here very much.
【71222】 -- What can I do for you,sir?
-- _____
A. Thanks.
B. You can go your own way.
C. Excuse me.I am busy.
D. Yes,I want a kilo of apples.
【71227】 -- Sorry I kept you waiting.
-- _____.
A. I'm sorry too
B. I don't care
C. That's all right.There is no hurry
D. No,not at all
【74068】 -- Thank you for a very enjoyable evening.
-- _____
A. Don't mention it.I hope you can come again soon.
B. Oh,I know.
C. Yes,I agree.
D. Yes,I think so,too.
【70722】 C
【70759】 C
【74068】 A