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参考词汇:孔子学院Confucius lnstitute;哲学家philosopher 推广popularize.
孔子学院简介 | |
名称由来 | 以中国古代思想家、教育家和哲学家孔子的名字命名 |
建设情况 | 80多个国家建立了250多所孔子学院,学员13多万人 |
学院目的 | 发展与其他国家的友好交往,推广中华民族的语言文化 |
服务范围 | 网上中文教学:培训汉语教师;提供中文教学书籍;介绍当代中国(旅游、贸易、医药) |
参考词汇:孔子学院Confucius lnstitute;哲学家philosopher 推广popularize.
One possible version
To develop friendships with other countries and popularize the Chinese language and culture,we have,in recent years,set up Confucius Institutes all over the world.This name is a proud one for Chinese people because Confucius was a famous thinker,educator and philosopher in Chinese history.Right now 150,000 foreign students in 80 different countries are studying Chinese in over 250 institutes completed by the end of this year.The institutes'services include teaching Chinese online,training Chinese teachers,providing Chinese textbooks,and introducing modern China's tourism,business,and medicine to the world.
To develop friendships with other countries and popularize the Chinese language and culture,we have,in recent years,set up Confucius Institutes all over the world.This name is a proud one for Chinese people because Confucius was a famous thinker,educator and philosopher in Chinese history.Right now 150,000 foreign students in 80 different countries are studying Chinese in over 250 institutes completed by the end of this year.The institutes'services include teaching Chinese online,training Chinese teachers,providing Chinese textbooks,and introducing modern China's tourism,business,and medicine to the world.
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