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2nd,the combustion train use and adjusts
To the oral area shape is the circular and 正多边形 theglassware carries on when dries the mouth,the choice gets angry thehole arrangement form and the size and the glassware oral area shapeand the size consistent flame then.Carries on to the heterogeneoustype glassware when heats up,when the oral area is the ellipseglassware heats up,needs to use to lengthen the flame,dries themouth quality for the guarantee,in the combustion train the auxiliaryflame about about position as well as the inclination angle ought tobe able conveniently to adjust.Mediates the support 3 positions thento adjust the auxiliary flame the about position,adjusts theauxiliary flame air supply pipe to be possible to adjust the auxiliaryflame in the swing link 4 center position the altitude,adjusts swinglink 4 then to adjust the auxiliary flame in the support 3 centerinclination angle the inclination angle.When processing belt earglassware,then must install the independent air feed the side spraynozzle.
To the oral area shape is the circular and 正多边形 theglassware carries on when dries the mouth,the choice gets angry thehole arrangement form and the size and the glassware oral area shapeand the size consistent flame then.Carries on to the heterogeneoustype glassware when heats up,when the oral area is the ellipseglassware heats up,needs to use to lengthen the flame,dries themouth quality for the guarantee,in the combustion train the auxiliaryflame about about position as well as the inclination angle ought tobe able conveniently to adjust.Mediates the support 3 positions thento adjust the auxiliary flame the about position,adjusts theauxiliary flame air supply pipe to be possible to adjust the auxiliaryflame in the swing link 4 center position the altitude,adjusts swinglink 4 then to adjust the auxiliary flame in the support 3 centerinclination angle the inclination angle.When processing belt earglassware,then must install the independent air feed the side spraynozzle.
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