早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
假如你是Jerry的朋友Bruce,Jerry写信给你讲述了他最近的一件烦心事:由于自己平时顽皮,老师对他比较头疼.不久前一节班会课上,就某件事情,他提出了和老师不同的看法,老师却认为他心存不敬,进而发生争执.请根据下表内容Jerry写回信开导他 .
原因分析:1,平时比较顽皮,总给老师惹麻烦.2可能是提看法的方式不妥,如语气不太好,3,… 建议:至少两条
原因分析:1,平时比较顽皮,总给老师惹麻烦.2可能是提看法的方式不妥,如语气不太好,3,… 建议:至少两条
Dear Jerry,
I heard of your thing, I am sorry to hear that news. But don't be upset, cheer up and make some changes to let your teacher and students like you more.
First, I think you should be a little quiet and be a good listener. You can't be as naught as before, if you are always naught and don't look after results of your behaviour, you will make more troubles to get your teacher angry. Secondly, try to change a way to say your ideas, sometimes your way of expression is not very good, so that your teacher misunderstand you. So please pay attention the thses little things, you will be better then.
I heard of your thing, I am sorry to hear that news. But don't be upset, cheer up and make some changes to let your teacher and students like you more.
First, I think you should be a little quiet and be a good listener. You can't be as naught as before, if you are always naught and don't look after results of your behaviour, you will make more troubles to get your teacher angry. Secondly, try to change a way to say your ideas, sometimes your way of expression is not very good, so that your teacher misunderstand you. So please pay attention the thses little things, you will be better then.
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