早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
阅读理解. |
In England people usually don't talk very much. On a bus or a train, you can see everyone sits looking out of the window. And they often read books and newspapers. But they don't talk much. When you meet English people, they often talk about one thing — the (A) ______. So when you meet someone in England, you can say, " (B)今天天气晴朗,isn't it?" But it was a little cold yesterday." He may answer. "Oh, it will be warmer later!" you can say. Talk like this, and the English will think, (C) " How friendly you are " |
1.在A处填上一个单词:____ 2.把B处汉语翻译成英语:____ 3.把C处英语翻译成汉语:____ 4. What do people usually do on a bus or a train in England? ___________________________________________________ 5. What can you talk about when you meet English people? ___________________________________________________ |
1.weather 2.It's sunny today 3.你多么友好! 4.They often read books and newspapers. 5.The weather. (答案不唯一) |
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