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作为一名老师最大的责任是什么 英语作文
Responsibility, is a mature man to his heart and environment of the ability and the behavior may completely. Marx said: "as as determined, the realistic person, you will have a regulation, have task", a people's teacher, his responsibility is everywhere, and if no responsibility consciousness, will not understand his own their duties, not clear his shoulder historical mission, also do not good education. Therefore, we must know the responsibility, liability, responsible, responsibility. The ministry of education recently described the poor minister contemporary teachers face three of the main responsibility, namely the post responsibility, social responsibility, national responsibility. This requires our teachers do every day in extremely ordinary work in, always remember that for student is responsible for, for parents responsible for, responsible for the society, for the country is responsible for. When you are faithful to perform every day with his sacred duty, also is in the responsible for himself, you will become a new period of qualified people's teacher.
Responsibility, is a mature man to his heart and environment of the ability and the behavior may completely. Marx said: "as as determined, the realistic person, you will have a regulation, have task", a people's teacher, his responsibility is everywhere, and if no responsibility consciousness, will not understand his own their duties, not clear his shoulder historical mission, also do not good education. Therefore, we must know the responsibility, liability, responsible, responsibility. The ministry of education recently described the poor minister contemporary teachers face three of the main responsibility, namely the post responsibility, social responsibility, national responsibility. This requires our teachers do every day in extremely ordinary work in, always remember that for student is responsible for, for parents responsible for, responsible for the society, for the country is responsible for. When you are faithful to perform every day with his sacred duty, also is in the responsible for himself, you will become a new period of qualified people's teacher.
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