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Advantages and disadvantages of keeping pets
In the West,many families like to keep a pet.We may be surprised at the amount of money they pay in terms of pets’ food or medical treatment,etc.Keeping a pet,indeed,has many advantages.
I have two main reasons for my argument.First of all,pets can be good companions,which is especially important for those who live alone and the old who can not get out much.What they get from the pets is not only hours of amusement but also loyalty.Some pets can even protect the house from thieves.Secondly,taking care of a pet also helps children to be responsible and caring members of the society.A child who learns to be very sensitive to the feelings of a pet can be expected to have positive attitudes to other people and life.
However,some others would argue that pets are dirty or dangerous.But I believe it is not that pets themselves are to blame,but their owners.If the owners train their pets properly and take very good care of them,they are unlikely to get dirty or become aggressive.
To sump up,there are surely more advantages than disadvantages to keeping a pet,especially for those lonely and young.Money spent on the special food for pets or the high fees paid for pets’ medical treatment is not a waste.