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帮手写一篇英语通知的作文内容:远离网吧,拒绝不健康书籍,会后到图书馆参加图书展。每人将在20日前上交一篇文章谈谈自己的感想。时间:6月18日下午3点地点:学校操场要求:自带凳子,按时到会,会议期间,保持安静。 麻烦你们帮帮忙了,急急!
Content: Stay away from internet cafe, refuse unhealthy printing materials, after meeting, visit the book show in the library. Everybody have to hand in a composition of own feeling before the twentieth. Date and Tine: June eighteenth, 3:00pm Place: School Playground Require: Bring your own seat, be punctual, keep silent while meeting.