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虎头山海滨旅游区位于电白县南海半岛,占地面积3.73平方公里.面向南海湾,背靠水东经济开发区,与水东港相邻,距县城约6公里.是风光毓秀、景色迷人的水东湾省级旅游度假区的重要组成部分.这里有理想的天然海滨浴场,海滩绵延1 2公里,沙质洁白,宽阔平缓;海水清澈,无礁无鲨,安全条件好,海表温度高,全年适宜海浴时间在280天以上,素有“南方北戴河”美称.南海之滨的两颗明珠虎头山和晏镜岭耸立区内,既是度假区的迷人景观,又是两座天然的观景台,与阳光、白沙、碧浪、林带交织成一幅如诗似画、如梦似幻的南国海滨风情画卷.
The tiger head the mountain seashore tour niche in give or get an electric shock a white county south china sea peninsula, cover area 3.73 square kilometers.Face to south china sea gulf, carry on the back to depend the water east economy development area, is close together with the water east harbor, is about 6 kilometers apart from the county city.It is the importance that the tremendous 毓 show,landscape charming water east gulf province class tour spends a holiday area to constitute part.There is the ideal natural seashore bath field here, the sea beach continues long one 2 kilometers, the sand quality is pure, spacious even slow;The sea water is pure, having no reef to have no shark , safe condition good, the sea form temperature is high, whole years the feat sea bath time on more than 280 dayses, the vegetable has beautiful"southern Beidaihe" to call.South china sea two bright pearl tiger head mountains and yan mirror mountain of its strand tower aloft area inside, since is the charming view that spends a holiday area, is two natural view view sets again, become with sunlight,white sand,bluish green wave,LIN2 DAI4's intertexture a such as poem painting,seashore romantic feeling in dreamy Yugoslavia painting book.
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