早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
A;Do you enjoy living in the countryside or in the city?
B:While ,mm,I prefer living in the countryside.It's much more enjoyable because there is less pollution ,less noise in country ,and the life there isn't as busy as that in the city.
C;yes,I quite agree with you .
A;Do you prefer going by bus or by bike?
B;I like to go to somewhere on the bike better,for it's much better for our health.And taking a bus can give rise to the environment around us,too.
A;I think the same with you.But when it's too long a way to go,rememer to take a bus,or you'll get tired!
B;Of course ,thank you !
A;What;s the trouble ,madam
B;Hmm,I have a cough in my thoat.It troubles me deeply ,especially when I eat something.
A;There's nothing serious.Take this medicine twice a day,and drink more water.Remeber do not eat salty food.
B;Thank you .Bye the way ,could you please tell me the fastest way possible to get thinner?My daughter is very
strong and fat,she hopes to lose weight eagerly.
A;Hmm,tell her to eat less and exercise more.This is the healthiest way to lose weight,but a little slow.
B;Thank you .Bye.
B:While ,mm,I prefer living in the countryside.It's much more enjoyable because there is less pollution ,less noise in country ,and the life there isn't as busy as that in the city.
C;yes,I quite agree with you .
A;Do you prefer going by bus or by bike?
B;I like to go to somewhere on the bike better,for it's much better for our health.And taking a bus can give rise to the environment around us,too.
A;I think the same with you.But when it's too long a way to go,rememer to take a bus,or you'll get tired!
B;Of course ,thank you !
A;What;s the trouble ,madam
B;Hmm,I have a cough in my thoat.It troubles me deeply ,especially when I eat something.
A;There's nothing serious.Take this medicine twice a day,and drink more water.Remeber do not eat salty food.
B;Thank you .Bye the way ,could you please tell me the fastest way possible to get thinner?My daughter is very
strong and fat,she hopes to lose weight eagerly.
A;Hmm,tell her to eat less and exercise more.This is the healthiest way to lose weight,but a little slow.
B;Thank you .Bye.
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