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① 他们5年前搬走了,但我们还保持联系.【they moved away five years ago,but we have kept the contract】
② 看起来这封信是在匆忙中写成的.【it seems that the letter was hastily wrote by person 】
③ 在得到更多细节之前,我想避免跟他说话.【i won't speak with him before i get more detail】
④每当听到这首歌时,我就会想起你.【i always think of you whenever i‘m listening the song】
⑤【i have made a determination i would catch up my classmates in a month】
⑥无论多么困难,他都坚信自己有一天一定能成功【whatever trouble he faces,he believes he could get the success someday】
【we focus our attention on the economy at present】(用set…on…可以吗?)
⑧我们盼望着看世界杯【we hope the wolrd cup held】
.they moved away five years ago,but we are keeping contact with each other
it seems that the letter was hastily written by someone
i won't speak with him untill i get more in detail
i m always thinking of you when listening the song
i have made a determination that i would catch up with my classmates in a month
没见过用set attention on的
we hope to watch the wolrd cup