早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
An Embarrassing Moment of My Life
The small embarrassing moments in life that make us laugh and cry.
Every break in school,my friends and I walked through that same corridor,where the science labs were,that lead to the field.That day,however,was different.It still plays in my memory like a video.My friends and I were joking and laughing around.As a ‘joke’,my friend shoved me.Never did I think that such a little force would put me on the spot.Due to all the bags that were scattered on the floor,I stumbled on a few and tumbled on to someone.
I was extremely ashamed to look at who it was.But I remember seeing some seniors standing there.My so called friends were having a giggle while trying to help me up.
At that moment it was extremely embarrassing for me but now we have a laugh about it.These small moments in our life makes it interesting.
The small embarrassing moments in life that make us laugh and cry.
Every break in school,my friends and I walked through that same corridor,where the science labs were,that lead to the field.That day,however,was different.It still plays in my memory like a video.My friends and I were joking and laughing around.As a ‘joke’,my friend shoved me.Never did I think that such a little force would put me on the spot.Due to all the bags that were scattered on the floor,I stumbled on a few and tumbled on to someone.
I was extremely ashamed to look at who it was.But I remember seeing some seniors standing there.My so called friends were having a giggle while trying to help me up.
At that moment it was extremely embarrassing for me but now we have a laugh about it.These small moments in our life makes it interesting.
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