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长春伪满皇宫 英文导游词
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Wanted Hee building, is a blue brick iron sheet roof of European-style two-storey building, Office building of the former Jilin-Heilongjiang tax Transport Council, April 3, 1932 the converted repair, became a bedchamber of Pu yi and Imperial concubines lived. Pu yi based on the book · great · Wen Wang "mumuwenwang, wanted Hee Kyung" the sentence for this building, named.
"Wanted Hee" Word symbolizes light, but after Puyi to live in here, everything and he's very different, fully supported by Japan of the Japanese Imperial Army playing with a puppet emperor life was complete darkness! Enter the building, level up, we come to the second floor. As Pu yi in the West on the second floor living quarters, including the bedroom, study room, barber shop, temples, bath and traditional Chinese medicine library. Puyi's bedroom decoration was simple, red bed bed is carved with two Dragons ' playing with patterns, pair of satin bed pillow, said Cheung received Tan yuling hand sewing. Pu yi was born afraid of hot, from small habit covered towelling sleeping habits, summer cover, winter cover two Slinky set off a health white single, change every day. Odd is that southern window was still placed a female two anthropomorphic Phantom and a man usually with a cloth covered. Before going, Pu yi often vertical in their bed. It is said that it was Pu yi to guard against fell prey to and used as a defensive "security guard".
"Wanted Hee" Word symbolizes light, but after Puyi to live in here, everything and he's very different, fully supported by Japan of the Japanese Imperial Army playing with a puppet emperor life was complete darkness! Enter the building, level up, we come to the second floor. As Pu yi in the West on the second floor living quarters, including the bedroom, study room, barber shop, temples, bath and traditional Chinese medicine library. Puyi's bedroom decoration was simple, red bed bed is carved with two Dragons ' playing with patterns, pair of satin bed pillow, said Cheung received Tan yuling hand sewing. Pu yi was born afraid of hot, from small habit covered towelling sleeping habits, summer cover, winter cover two Slinky set off a health white single, change every day. Odd is that southern window was still placed a female two anthropomorphic Phantom and a man usually with a cloth covered. Before going, Pu yi often vertical in their bed. It is said that it was Pu yi to guard against fell prey to and used as a defensive "security guard".
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