早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
参考词汇:责任 responsibility
Good morning, everyone!
The topic of my speech today is "Thoughts on becoming a grown-up".
Since I was an innocent child, I have been longing for adulthood. With my mental development, my desire to turn into an adult grows stronger and stronger. Besides, what I have been dreaming of are the freedom and independence I would have if I were an adult.
At present, as I'll become a grown-up soon, it occurs to me that growing up not only means gaining freedom but also requires taking up more responsibilities. Therefore, in order to meet the requirements, I'm determined to develop a strong sense of responsibility, for which I plan to participate in more social activities and lead a busy but colorful life.
Thank you for listening.
参考词汇:责任 responsibility
Good morning, everyone!
The topic of my speech today is "Thoughts on becoming a grown-up".
Since I was an innocent child, I have been longing for adulthood. With my mental development, my desire to turn into an adult grows stronger and stronger. Besides, what I have been dreaming of are the freedom and independence I would have if I were an adult.
At present, as I'll become a grown-up soon, it occurs to me that growing up not only means gaining freedom but also requires taking up more responsibilities. Therefore, in order to meet the requirements, I'm determined to develop a strong sense of responsibility, for which I plan to participate in more social activities and lead a busy but colorful life.
Thank you for listening.
这篇作文应该可以得到22,23 左右,写得不错.下面将修改后的发出,自己比较揣摩一下.
Good morning, everyone!
The topic of my speech today is "Thoughts on becoming a grown-up".
Since I was an innocent child, I have been constantly longing for adulthood. With the development of my intelligence, my desire to turn into an adult grows increasingly strong. Besides, what I have been dreaming of is the freedom and independence I would have were I an adult.
At present, as I'll become a grown-up soon, it occurs to me that growing up not only means gaining more freedom but also requires taking up more responsibilities. Therefore, in order to satisfy the requirements, I'm determined to build up a strong sense of responsibility, for which I am willing to participate in more social activities and lead a busy yet colorful life.
Thank you for listening.
Good morning, everyone!
The topic of my speech today is "Thoughts on becoming a grown-up".
Since I was an innocent child, I have been constantly longing for adulthood. With the development of my intelligence, my desire to turn into an adult grows increasingly strong. Besides, what I have been dreaming of is the freedom and independence I would have were I an adult.
At present, as I'll become a grown-up soon, it occurs to me that growing up not only means gaining more freedom but also requires taking up more responsibilities. Therefore, in order to satisfy the requirements, I'm determined to build up a strong sense of responsibility, for which I am willing to participate in more social activities and lead a busy yet colorful life.
Thank you for listening.
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