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57.他不惧怕新思想,也不惧怕将来.(nor+inverted form)
58.他是一个作家,也是评论家,但最重要的是他是一个政治家.(above all)
59.我们常常发现运用一个规律比懂得它要难得多.(apply a rule)
60.除一人外,其他学生都已经做完试卷离场了.(all but)
61.不要对你的问题拖延不管,试着解决它们.(sit on)
63.根据最近的研究,人类对这种疾病有免疫力.(be immune to )
64.如果他们不听我们的话,他们必定失败.(be bound to)
65.经过多次失败后,他终于成功地发明了一种比已有的任何一种都好的自行车.(superior to,in existence)
56.囚犯被从严判处十五年徒刑.(give a sentence of ..years)
57.不断努力,你迟早会解决这个难题的.(as long as )
58.我确实知道,现在不少年轻人有一边做作业,一边听背景音乐的习惯.(have the habit of doing one thing while doing another)
59.市长在他的电视讲话中详细谈了交通安全问题.他提到自一月份以来,由交通事故造成的死亡人数一直在上升.(TV talk,on the rise)
60.这个故事是由两部分构成的.(be composed of)
61.你向我大喊大叫,你得向我道歉.(scream at,owe,apology)
62.这部小说的依据是我的一些最好的朋友的生活故事.(be based on)
63.他是一个总是按照原则办事的人.(act on)
64.弗吉尼亚(Virginia)是根据弗吉女王(Virgin Queen)命名的.(name after)
65.恶劣天气阻碍了卫星的发射.(set back)
56.根据卫星发回的信号和照片,他们得出结论:金星上没有生命.(come to the conclusion)
57.从校长的反应来看,他和那位年轻人对游戏在儿童教育中的作用显然共同语言极少.(have sth.in common)
58.不言而喻,科学技术的发展对中国现代化是至关重要的.(be vital to)
59.我们的产品质地优良,我们对此感到自豪.(take pride in)
60.这个山庄是以矗立在它前面的那个村庄命名的.(name after)
61.这封信必须交给威尔博士本人.(be to)
62.亨利创作的艺术品在很多方面要比他兄弟的好.(be superior to )
63.就业余爱好而言,珍妮和她妹妹几乎没有共同之处.(have little in common)
64.我被他们互相矛盾的意见搞糊涂了,不知如何去做才是.(be bewildered by)
65.冷静耐心地处理这个微妙(delicate)问题是明智的.(It would be wise (advisable) to do )
57. 他不惧怕新思想,也不惧怕将来. (nor+inverted form)
Neither is he afraid of new ideas, nor the future.
58. 他是一个作家,也是评论家,但最重要的是他是一个政治家. (above all)
He is an author, a commentator, but above all he is also a statesman(politician).
59. 我们常常发现运用一个规律比懂得它要难得多.(apply a rule)
We often find that to apply a rule is much harder than to understand it.
60.除一人外,其他学生都已经做完试卷离场了.(all but)
All but one student has finished the test and left the room.
61.不要对你的问题拖延不管,试着解决它们.(sit on)
Don't sit on your problems, try to resolve them.
62.你可曾预见到你现在遇到的困难?(anticipate, encounter)
Did you ever anticipate the problems you've encountered just now?
63.根据最近的研究,人类对这种疾病有免疫力.(be immune to )
According to the latest research, Human are immuned to this disease.
64.如果他们不听我们的话,他们必定失败.(be bound to)
If they don't listen to us, they are bound to fail.
65.经过多次失败后,他终于成功地发明了一种比已有的任何一种都好的自行车.(superior to, in existence)
After failing several times, he at last successfully invented a bicycle that is superior to any others in existence.
56. 囚犯被从严判处十五年徒刑.(give a sentence of ..years)
The inmate was given a harsh sentence of 15 years.
57. 不断努力,你迟早会解决这个难题的.(as long as )
You will solve this problem sooner or later as long as you keep working on it.
58. 我确实知道,现在不少年轻人有一边做作业,一边听背景音乐的习惯.(have the habit of doing one thing while doing another)
I know indeed that nowadays many youngsters have the habit of listening to music while doing their homework.
59. 市长在他的电视讲话中详细谈了交通安全问题.他提到自一月份以来,由交通事故造成的死亡人数一直在上升.(TV talk, on the rise)
The mayor had a detail discussion on transportation safety during his TV talk. He mentioned that death toll arising from traffic accidents had been rising since January.
60. 这个故事是由两部分构成的.(be composed of)
This story is composed of two parts.
61. 你向我大喊大叫,你得向我道歉.(scream at, owe, apology)
You screamed at me, you owe me an apology.
62. 这部小说的依据是我的一些最好的朋友的生活故事.(be based on)
This novel is based on life stories from some of my best friends.
63. 他是一个总是按照原则办事的人.(act on)
He is someone who always act on principle.
64. 弗吉尼亚(Virginia)是根据弗吉女王(Virgin Queen)命名的.(name after)
The state of Virginia is named after Virginia the Virgin Queen.
65. 恶劣天气阻碍了卫星的发射.(set back)
Bad weather has set back the satellite launching.
56. 根据卫星发回的信号和照片,他们得出结论:金星上没有生命.(come to the conclusion)
Based on satellite signal and photos, they've come to the conclusion that there is no life form on Venus.
57. 从校长的反应来看,他和那位年轻人对游戏在儿童教育中的作用显然共同语言极少.(have sth. in common)
From the way the principal reacted, apparently he has little in common with that young man on the effect of games to children's education.
58. 不言而喻,科学技术的发展对中国现代化是至关重要的.(be vital to)
Needless to say, development on science and technology is vital to China's modernization.
59. 我们的产品质地优良,我们对此感到自豪.(take pride in)
Our products are excellent in quality, we take pride in them.
60. 这个山庄是以矗立在它前面的那个村庄命名的.(name after)
This mountain villa is named after the village standing right in front of it.
61. 这封信必须交给威尔博士本人.(be to)
This letter is to be delivered to Dr. Well in person.
62. 亨利创作的艺术品在很多方面要比他兄弟的好.(be superior to )
Henry's art work is superior to his brother's in may ways.
63. 就业余爱好而言,珍妮和她妹妹几乎没有共同之处.(have little in common)
Jenny and her sister have little in common when it comes to hobbies.
64. 我被他们互相矛盾的意见搞糊涂了,不知如何去做才是.(be bewildered by)
I am bewildered by their contradictory opinions and don't know what to follow.
65. 冷静耐心地处理这个微妙(delicate)问题是明智的.(It would be wise (advisable) to do )
It would be wise to handle this delicate situation with calm patience.
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