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1.以我对Nancy还是畏惧法律的,她并没有想到我真的会去寻找法律途径来处理这个问题.因此她才想“ meet with you and someone else to discuss the matter”.但我认为如果我去见她,结果也只会向您所说的那样“ it is simply your word against her word.”不知您是否能够再安排一次电话给Nancy从法律的角度,去讨论这个问题.
2.如果这个没有用,我会选择先去fair work(澳洲处理劳务纠纷的机构).因为去法院的话费用对我来说比较高.
Thank you for your replay.
I would like to make an appointment if it's necessary.
About this case,I have the following views:
1.I think Nancy still fear the law and she know exactly that her behave was illegal.She was surprised that I used legal service to deal with this problem.That's why she wanted to "meet with me and someone else to discuss the matter".But I don't want see her alone,because the result would like you mentioned "It is simply my word against her word." It was not meaningful.So,in your opinion,was it possible to that you made another phone call to her and discuss the issue base on the legal.I will very appropriate it.(请尽量把这句话写得诚恳.语气上的感觉要是我“希望”律师能够再帮我打一个电话,而不是我要求律师再帮我打一个电话.)
2.If this does not work,I would try to go Fair work first.Because the court fee is quite expensive for me.
3.I am very angry about Nancy's lay.I want public her illegal on the internet,I want to know the legal risk if I do this.
  1. 您reply拼错了.

  2. 最好用if it do not bother you(如果不麻烦您我想做一个预约)

  3. 你要诚恳的那个:So, in your opinion, is it okay with you to make another phone call to her and discuss the issue base on the law? i'll be very appreciate(appropriate是恰当的意思)if you do so.
