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Directions:In this section there are some incomplete sentences. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then type the corresponding letter on the web page.
1. Never thought to see you here. —____
A. So did I.
B. Oh, haven"t you?
C. It"s a small world.
D. I"m well. Thank you. And you?
2. Generally ____, that city is less crowded than many others in the same area.
A. saying
B. talking
C. telling
D. speaking
3. You want to buy a sport car, sir? Yeah, we"ve got several models for you ____.
A. to choose
B. for choosing
C. to choose from
D. to be chosen from
4. She pretended ____ me when I passed by.
A. not to see
B. to not see
C. not seeing
D. having not seen
5. "What do you think of the book?" "Oh, excellent. It"s worth ____ a second time."
A. reading
B. being read
C. to read
D. to be read
1 .C.It"s a small world (---“没想到在这里会见到你---(是啊.这世界真小.”其他选项都不符合题意)
2.D.speaking (generally speaking“一般来说”,是固定短语)
3.C.to choose from (choose from the models)
4.A.not to see (不定式的否定是在 to 前加not )
5.A.reading (be worth doing固定短语,“值得一读”)