1. The passage mainly tells us that ________.
A . it doesn’t matter if a person is attacked by a shark
B . sharks are not as dangerous as people think
C . sharks are afraid of things the size of a human
D . there are fewer shark attacks than before
2. Nets are put off the beaches in some countries so that ________.
A . swimmers will be safe on the beaches
B . people can kill more dangerous sharks
C . people can catch sharks easily
D . sharks will not be attacked
3. By writing this passage the writer wants to give us a warning that ________.
A . the nets off the beaches are killing too many sharks
B . too many people want to collect shark teeth
C . sharks are in danger
D . sharks are still dangerous
1. A人是否被鲨鱼袭击无所谓,B鲨鱼不像人想象得那么危险,C鲨鱼害怕和人类一样大小的东西,D鲨鱼袭击人的事情比以前要少了。选择B 2. 在海滩上设置电网的目的是保护在海里游泳的人 3. AB都是文章中提到的事实,但不是文章的中心思想,文章主要是说鲨鱼现在遇到危险,而不是说鲨鱼给人类带来的危险。选择C
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