早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
The earth means many things to the people who live on it.To a farmer,the earth is rich soil.To a road builder,the earth means mountains of hard rock.For a sailor,the earth is water as far as the eye can see.A pilot's picture of the earth may include part of an ocean,a mountain,and pieces of framland.A spaceman sees the earth's round shape and the outline of land and oceans.Their views of the earth are all correct but none really what the earth truly is.
The earth means many things to the people who live on it.To a farmer,the earth is rich soil.To a road builder,the earth means mountains of hard rock.For a sailor,the earth is water as far as the eye can see.A pilot's picture of the earth may include part of an ocean,a mountain,and pieces of framland.A spaceman sees the earth's round shape and the outline of land and oceans.Their views of the earth are all correct but none really what the earth truly is.
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