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求小说the breadwinner的简介
作者Deborab Ellis
The Breadwinner is an action-filled book from start to finish. The Breadwinner is about a little Afghan girl named Parvana who lives with her once rich family in a bombed out apartment building. Parvana begins her story by telling how her mom and dad were both highly educated people with degrees. Then the Taliban came to power and everything in their lives changed.
Parvana's mom was a published writer but with the Taliban in power, women were not allowed to work. She had to go home and couldn't go out of the house without a burqa and a male escort or a note written by a male in the house. This applied to Parvana's sister as well, but not Parvana. Parvana was not considered a woman yet. The Taliban kicked all girls out of school; unfortunately, this included Parvana and her sister. As a result, Parvana went to work with her dad in the market. He had a booth where he would translate and read letters for people. He also sold his own personal belongings for extra money. Parvana would sit on a square mat by a window for hours and watch her dad while he worked. At home, Parvana would fill the water buckets and help care for her siblings.
One day Taliban fighters burst in and took Parvana's father away. The next day Parvana and her mother walked to the prison and yelled at the Taliban fighters to release him. Parvana and her mother were beaten and had to return home. After this, Parvana's mom just laid on her mat for a long time, crying and sleeping. She was very depressed. Parvana and her family needed help. This help came when Parvana's previous gym teacher visited their house. She saw how desperate the family was, and she returned often to help the family.
It was decided that in order for the family to survive, Parvana should cut her hair and wear her deceased brother's clothes. This was difficult at first. Parvana was both scared and mad. She was mad about her hair being cut and scared about all her new responsibilities. At first, it was very frightening at the market for Parvana. Once, when a man went to pull a letter out of his robes, Parvana thought that he was going to shoot her. After Parvana made some money, she would go to the store to get food. Afghan women were not allowed to go into the stores, so they had to shout their orders from outside the store. However, Parvana, disguised as a boy, could now go inside the store to purchase goods.
With the ability to work in the market, Parvana was able to notice people. She thought she recognized one of the workers in the market. It was a tea boy. Parvana was shocked to realize that this person was really another girl from her school. This girl shared Parvana's secret and was working to support her family.
Parvana needed to make more money than just translating and selling household items. This led her to go bone digging with her new found friend. The girls would dig up bones from graveyards which had been bombed. They would then sell the bones to a vendor. Parvana was able to earn much more money doing this, but she did not like it.
Parvana was excited to get the news of her sister upcoming marriage but was upset that this wedding would take place in another town. If her father was freed from prison, she wanted to be home to greet him. The wedding was to be held in a town that the Taliban had not yet seized. Parvana's mom and sister went to the wedding. Parvana stayed home to work and wait for her father. One day, while at the house, two men knocked at the door. Her father was leaning on one of the men's shoulder. He was very weak from his prison experience. He needed a lot of time to recover. The family's friend, a former gym teacher, Mrs. Weera cared for Parvana's dad while Parvana continued to work.
Parvana's life did not get easier because her dad was home. Coming home from work, Parvana found a crying women inside a bombed out building. She managed to get the women safely home where the gym teacher could care for her. They found out from this women that her family was murdered by the Taliban. To their horror, they found out that this was the same town that Parvana's mother and sister had gone to. The Breadwinner concluded with Parvana and her dad embarking on a journey to find her mother and sister. Parvana's story continues in the sequel Parvana's Journey.
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