早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
The sun,the moon and the stars are in the sky.后面是什么
The sun,the moon and the stars are in the sky.We see the sun in the day and the moon and night because it is darle.Daylight comes from the sun.The sun gives a strong light,but the moon gives only a faint light.
If we draw the curtains,it will keep dark in the room.When it is dark,we must turn on the light if we want to see.
The sun rises in the east and goes down in the west.Day begins in the morning and ends in the evening.Night begins in the evening and ends in the morning.
If we draw the curtains,it will keep dark in the room.When it is dark,we must turn on the light if we want to see.
The sun rises in the east and goes down in the west.Day begins in the morning and ends in the evening.Night begins in the evening and ends in the morning.
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