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Flu,or influenza,is a common illness that makes you feel very tired and weak,and makes you cough and have a fever.But recently we find a new kind flu c 72 H1N1 influenza A.We find ourselves in the dark about the terrible flu virus.Is it quite d 73 from a common flu?The answer is no,because it seems s 74 to regular human flu with a fever,cough and a headache.The answer is y 75 ,because it has caused at least 64 d 76 around the world.And the World Health Organization has confirmed(确诊)about 6,500 cases.
The flu virus first appeared in pigs or swines.WHO says the virus is being spread from human-to-human,not from contact with infected(被感染的) pigs.Scientists try to know clearly how it jumped to humans.The steps are aimed at stopping further spread of the virus.
Pork imports aren’t a 77 from the areas which have swine flu.Though experts said swine flu is not connected with pigs and not spread by e 78 pork.
So far groups of illnesses seem related to Mexican travel.For example,some students in New York fell i 79 from an spring outing in Mexico.Flu viruses can be spread by touching(触摸) your mouth or nose w 80 unwashed hands.Swine flu can be treated,but so many confirmed cases s 81 that we had better take early notice,in case it would be too late.
B) 72.called 73.different 74.similar 75.yes 76.deaths 77.allowed 78.eating
79.ill 80.with 81.show / suggest