早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
我们学校需要写个作文,用英文写我的家乡,或者城市 沈阳 都可以.
我们学校需要写个作文,用英文写我的家乡,或者城市 沈阳 都可以.
The shenyang locates at in the Chinese northeast in the river littoral.
There is the population of N, cover the area N square meter.( the concrete arithmetic figure internet access checks)
Have ever been used as the industry city but publicity, now of because traveled the industry.
There is a lot of famous spots historic monument, draw on a lot of visitors annually to this sightseeing.
One of the city of Olympicses, center were set up.
The civilization become more and more important in society, the natural environment also become more and more good,
Transportation method too contain very big progress.
Everybody is working hard and ising a home town more beautiful, I too the for the home country feel proud of.
The shenyang locates at in the Chinese northeast in the river littoral.
There is the population of N, cover the area N square meter.( the concrete arithmetic figure internet access checks)
Have ever been used as the industry city but publicity, now of because traveled the industry.
There is a lot of famous spots historic monument, draw on a lot of visitors annually to this sightseeing.
One of the city of Olympicses, center were set up.
The civilization become more and more important in society, the natural environment also become more and more good,
Transportation method too contain very big progress.
Everybody is working hard and ising a home town more beautiful, I too the for the home country feel proud of.
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