早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


1·Enough attention should be paid______the environment while we are working to develop the economy.
A`protected B`to protecting C`protect D`protecting
2·It's a pity that you missed ____ the chance to study abroad for free.
A`giving B`being given C`to be given D`give
3`The place_____interests me most was the Children's Palace.
A`where B`that C`what D `in which
4`His income is ___average.So he could not afford a car.
A`at B`on C`above D`below
5`____seeing the watch,she thought of her husband who died in the accident .
A`On B`The monment C`Immediately DAs soon as
6`It's a pity that you nissed_____the chance to go abroad for further education.
A`to give B`to be given C`giving Dbeing given
7`This city is no longer___it used to be.
A`which B`that C`what D`whose
1.第一句为被动语态(Enough attention should be paid)用到的是语法知识是 pay attention to doing
3.B定语从句,that既是引导词也是关系代词,指的是the place
4.D below表示在...之下,他的收入低于他的平均收入,所以他不能够买得起一辆汽车
5.D seeing the watch是省略了主语的状语从句.因为主从句的主语一样.
As long as seeing the watch,she thought of her husband who died in the accident.
= As long as she saw the watch,she thought of ...
On是介词,意思是 当.时候.
只有as soon as是连词,一...就 很恰当.
7.宾语从句,what引导的宾语从句(This city (主语)+is no longer(谓语)+宾语),因为缺少先行词所以不能用which和that