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---Everyone is going to climb the mountain.Can I go too,mom?
--- ______ Wait till you are old enough,dear.
A.Will you?B.Why not?C.I hope so D.I'm afraid not.
How to choose,translate and why?Thanks.
A 也能理解“你将去吗?好像也说的通啊?
应该选择 D.I'm afraid not.
A.Will you?是对以动词原形开始表示建议的祈使句的反意问句,如:
Wait till you are old enough,will you 等你长大了再说,好吗?
Have a cup of tea,will you?来杯茶水,怎么样?
B.Why not?是常用的表示提出建议的短语,它是省略主语和助动词后的习惯用语,恢复后为:Why + don't/won't + 主语 + 谓语动词,如:
Why not wait till you are old enough?
= Why won't you wait till you are old enough?
C.I hope so 中的 so 代替上文提过的形容词、名词、动词等,如:
He hopes to have a scholarship,and I hope so,too.他希望能获得奖学金,我也希望那样.(代替上文中的 to have a scholarship)
D.I'm afraid not.中的 not 是否定的句子、动词、短语等的省略代用语,如:
-- Will it rain tomorrow?-- I hope not.--明天会下雨吗?--我希望不会.
-- Is he coming?-- Perhaps not.--他会来吗?--可能不会.
根据回答中的下文 Wait till you are old enough (等你长大了再说),显然父母不同意孩子提出的要求,因此 C 项应该排除.
选择 A,应该是对 go to climb the mountain 的建议,意思是“爬山去,好吗?”,意思与下文相悖.
选择 B,是对 go to climb the mountain 的省略,等于 Why not go to climb the mountain?(为什么不去把山呢?),意思也与下文相悖.
选择 D 等于 not 代替了 go to climb the mountain,恢复完全即为 I'm afraid you can not go to climb the mountain.