早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
The minimal
detectable change (MDC) necessary to conclude clini-
cally significant change in gait speed has occurred ranges
from 0.07–0.36 m/s in a post-stroke population [39].
Therefore, the 0.1 m/s increase from the mean baseline
value revealed in the Lokomat group was not only
statistically significant, but also clinically important with
an effect size of 0.32. This modest, but significant, effect
is especially notable considering the small treatment
dose in this preliminary work. Despite the statistically
non-significant between-group difference, it is also
notable that participants in the Lokomat group increased
overground gait speed by 16% over baseline, whereas
those in the manual group advanced by only 4.8%. The
magnitude of this difference suggests a potential clinical
advantage of Lokomat training
The minimal
detectable change (MDC) necessary to conclude clini-
cally significant change in gait speed has occurred ranges
from 0.07–0.36 m/s in a post-stroke population [39].
Therefore, the 0.1 m/s increase from the mean baseline
value revealed in the Lokomat group was not only
statistically significant, but also clinically important with
an effect size of 0.32. This modest, but significant, effect
is especially notable considering the small treatment
dose in this preliminary work. Despite the statistically
non-significant between-group difference, it is also
notable that participants in the Lokomat group increased
overground gait speed by 16% over baseline, whereas
those in the manual group advanced by only 4.8%. The
magnitude of this difference suggests a potential clinical
advantage of Lokomat training
最小检测 (MDC) 要结束活检-爱如斯重大改变的步态速度发生变化范围从人群脑卒中后 [39] 0.07–0.36 m/s.因此,从 Lokomat 组中显示的平均基线值 0.1 m/s 增加,是不仅统计学,而且还影响大小为 0.32 重要临床.这温和,但意义重大,效果是特别值得注意的是考虑小治疗剂量在此初步工作.尽管非-统计学的组之间差异,还值得 Lokomat 组参加者将地上的步态速度的 16%上升至基线,而那些在手动组高级仅 4.8%.这种差异程度表明 Lokomat 培训的一个潜在临床优势
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