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As the
temperature increases, the L and S band edges may move
relative to one another, but does not cross or converge. Instead
this movement results in a decrease of the energy offsets
between L and S bands, Fig. 13(b). Clearly there is a controversy
here which will need to be settled with future experimentation.
In this new view, as the energy offsets between L and S bands
decrease the heavy valence band contributes to the transport via
thermal excitation of holes fromL to S. Generally, the contribution
of the heavy valence band to the Seebeck coefficient can be realized
via heavy doping because this lowers the Fermi energy and
decreases the energy offsets between L and S bands. Thus, the
contribution of the heavy valence band is observed at a lower
temperature through heavy doping.11–13 As shown in Fig. 14(a),
p-type PbTe shows higher Seebeck coefficients than that of n-type
PbTe with a similar carrier concentration of \x023 \x04 1019 cm\x033,
especially at elevated temperatures. Namely, the Seebeck coefficientat 773 K is \x02 +270 mV K\x031 for p-type PbTe, whereas by comparison
it is only\x02\x03180 mVK\x031 for similarly doped n-type PbTe
随着温度的增加,L和S波段的边缘可能moverelative到另一个,但没有交叉或聚集.insteadthis运动的结果,在减少的能量offsetsbetween L和S波段,图13(b).显然有一个controversyhere需要与未来的实验解决了.在这一新的观点,在我的能量偏移量的bandsdecrease沉重的价带的孔自运输viathermal激励美国一般,贡献大的价带的塞贝克系数可realizedvia重掺杂因为这降低了费米能级之间的能量偏移量减少了L和S波段.因此,重的价带贡献是在较低温度下通过重掺杂的观察.11–13如图14(a),p型碲化铅显示比n-typepbte具有类似\x02 3 \x04 1019厘米\x03 3载流子浓度较高的Seebeck系数,特别是在升高的温度下.即,Seebeck coefficientat 773 K 1 K \x02 + 270 mV \x03型PbTe材料,而只有180 comparisonit \x02 \x03 MVK \x03 1同样掺杂的n型PbTe材料