早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
1Iam (making)some model planes now)(提否疑)2We are cleaning the doors inthe class now(提问否
3they are(listening to the teather)inclassnow(提否疑)4he is (copying some new words) now(提否疑)5she is(eating some cakes)now(提否疑)6suhai andsuyang are(doing house worknow(提问否)
3they are(listening to the teather)inclassnow(提否疑)4he is (copying some new words) now(提否疑)5she is(eating some cakes)now(提否疑)6suhai andsuyang are(doing house worknow(提问否)
1.一般疑问:Are you making some model planes now?
否定:I am not making any model planes now.【some改any用于否定句】
特殊:What are you doing now?
2.一般:Are you cleaning the doors in the class now?
否定:We aren't cleaning the dors in the class now.
3.一般:Are they listening to the teather in class now?
否定:They aren't listening to the teather in class now.
特殊:What are they doing in class now?
4.一般:Is he copying any new words now?
否定:He isn't copying any new words now.
特殊:What is he doing now?
5.一般:Is she eating any cakes now?
否定:She isn't eating any cakes now.
特殊:What is she doing now?
6.一般:Are Suhai and Suyang doing their housework now?
否定:Suhai and Suyang aren't doing their housework now.
特殊:What are Suhai and Suyang doing now?
否定:I am not making any model planes now.【some改any用于否定句】
特殊:What are you doing now?
2.一般:Are you cleaning the doors in the class now?
否定:We aren't cleaning the dors in the class now.
3.一般:Are they listening to the teather in class now?
否定:They aren't listening to the teather in class now.
特殊:What are they doing in class now?
4.一般:Is he copying any new words now?
否定:He isn't copying any new words now.
特殊:What is he doing now?
5.一般:Is she eating any cakes now?
否定:She isn't eating any cakes now.
特殊:What is she doing now?
6.一般:Are Suhai and Suyang doing their housework now?
否定:Suhai and Suyang aren't doing their housework now.
特殊:What are Suhai and Suyang doing now?
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