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针对班上部分同学抄袭他人作文的现象,请以My opinion on copying others' homework为题写一篇不少于120词的英语作文,谈主要原因,危害及自己的看法.文章开头已给出:It known to us all that some students copy others' homework.
It is known to all that some students copy others' homework .But it isn't so surprise for us.Every day there are many students come to school early in order to copy homework to finish the task which given by teachers .Why so many students copy others' homework?Some people say the homework is too difficult for them and it takes they much time to finish.Others say that they don't interest in these subjects .Of course ,we could say they are lazy.There is also a few people think write homework is just make teachers pleased.However ,in my opinion .Copying homework is harm for us.the school rules doesn't allow us to do that .As a student ,we must honest .Do our homework by ourselves can help us make progress in study.If you have problems in study ,you could ask friends or teachers for help and work them out together.So i hope everday do homework by oneself.If you do yourselves,success will belong to you!
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