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求关于传统图书馆是否该被网络资源所代替的英文文章,字数250左右 尽快
以下不是我写的 摘自于参考资料所在网址,原文很长,列举了很多数据,我帮你做了一下删节.
The Internet vs. The Library
The ability to find and retrieve information can be a challenge if you are not sure where to start. With vast resources available on the internet, students must make choices about how to access information and then which information resources to use.
Many search engines index only the “surface Web”. Less than 7% of the information found here is appropriate for educational or scholarly purposes And there is little evidence that students use more than one search engine when they look for information.
Besides, students are often unable to distinguish appropriate from inappropriate resources. If the information is not available on the internet, it does not exist for them.
By limiting their research to the internet, students are ignoring the books, journals, databases, full-text digital resources and other scholarly materials provided by the library. In many academic libraries, use of print resources is decreasing. Use of video and other media appears to be increasing. Ignoring library resources in lieu of web resources may imperil the quality of student learning.
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