早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
the yellow mountain is in the south of anhui.it is one if the most famous mountain in china .it has the wonderful views of the sea of clouds and the wondrous pines and the unique rocka.so it attract a number of chinese and foreigners to pay a visit it.it tack you about three hours to get there,or you can aiso take a train or a piane to get there.i got the yellow mountain with my parents for the first time by planetwo years ago.and i climb up a 1800 metres high mountain.it is the highest mountain of the yellow mountain!when i got there,it was early morning,so i saw the sunrise.it is so beautiful and the yellow mountain is also known for that
the yellow mountain is in the south of anhui.it is one if the most famous mountain in china .it has the wonderful views of the sea of clouds and the wondrous pines and the unique rocka.so it attract a number of chinese and foreigners to pay a visit it.it tack you about three hours to get there,or you can aiso take a train or a piane to get there.i got the yellow mountain with my parents for the first time by planetwo years ago.and i climb up a 1800 metres high mountain.it is the highest mountain of the yellow mountain!when i got there,it was early morning,so i saw the sunrise.it is so beautiful and the yellow mountain is also known for that
The Yellow Mountain is in the south of Anhui.one of the most famous mountain in china It has the wonderful views of the sea of clouds and the wondrous pines and the unique rocka.so It attract a numbe...
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