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风机转,异常指示灯指示不亮,无高频放电“沙沙”声,“擦弧焊”也不能起弧 1. 万用表测电源板到MOS板的VH-07插件正负极电压应为DC310V左右.
2. MOS板上辅助电源有一绿色指示灯,如果灯不亮,辅助电源未工作,查找故障点或与经销商联系.
3. 检查机内各种接插线接触不良.
4. 控制电路问题,查找原因或与经销商联系.
5. 焊枪上的控制线断.
异常指示灯不亮,有高频放电“沙沙”声,无焊接输出 1. 焊枪电缆断
2. 地线断或未连接到焊件上
3. 正极输出端子或焊枪气电输出端子与机内的连接处松脱.
异常指示灯不亮,无高频放电“沙沙”声,“擦弧焊”能起弧 1. 引弧变压器初级线与电源板接触不良,重新紧固.
2. 放电咀氧化或距离偏远,处理放电咀表面氧化膜或调整放电咀距离到1mm.
3. 高频引弧电路个别器件损坏,查找更换之.
Ventilation fan running,abnormal indicator light is off,no high frequency discharge with “sha sha” noise,no arcing when struck.
Causes and Solutions
1.Use a multimeter.to check the voltage of the positive and negative poles on the VH-70 plug-in unit between the power panel and the MOS panel,it should be about DC310V.
2.If the green auxiliary power source indicator light on the MOS panel is off,it means the auxiliary power source is not working; check for fault or contact the dealer.
3.Check for any poor contact of the various wiring connections inside the machine.
4.Circuit control problems,check for causes or contact the dealer.
5.Control cable of welding torch severed.
Abnormal indicator light is off,high frequency discharge with “sha sha” noise,
No welding output current.
Causes and Solutions
1.Welding torch cable severed.
2.Grounding cable severed or not connected to welded object.
3.The output terminal of the positive pole or the output terminal of electro-gas of the welding torch that connects with the joint inside the machine loosened or disconnected.
Abnormal indicator light is off,no high frequency discharge with “sha sha” noise,
arc striking effective.
Causes and Solutions
1.Poor contact between the primary cable of arc strike transformer and the power panel,retighten.
2.Discharge nozzle oxidized or the gap too wide.Remove the oxide film or adjust the gap to 1mm.
3.Certain parts of the arc striking circuit damaged; check for them and replace them.
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