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Nor 用在句首的语法问题。
Nor can one go out in a dewy morning, at the latter end of August and the beginning of September, but he shall see multitudes of webs, made visible by the dew that hangs on them, reaching from one tree, branch and shrub, to another which webs are commonly thought to be made in the night, because they appear only in the morning.
Nor can one ...but he shall 你若是...一定会. 进行下语法解释,thanks a lot
张达人zhdr - 榜眼 十一级 分析的特别好,精细清晰,看得出非常认真负责。不过我摘的是夏济安的译文,应该不会错吧?
1. Nor can one go out in a dewy morning, = One can nor go out in a dewy morning. (一个人也不能在露湿的早晨外出)
a) 否定词置于句首谓语部分需要倒装,nor承接上文,表示“也”;
b)把Nor can one ...but he shall 理解成“若是...一定会”是错误的。.
2. at the latter end of August and the beginning of September,
用来说明a dewy morning意思是“八月末和九月初(露湿的早晨)”
3. but he shall see multitudes of webs,
shall用于陈述句第二、三人称,表示说话者的意图、警告、命令、决心等, 主语的行动受讲话者支配,意思是“必须, 应该, 可以”,翻译成汉语是:“但是他可以看到处结成的蜘蛛网”。
4. made visible by the dew that hangs on them, reaching from one tree, branch and shrub, to another
a) 过去分词短语made visible by…相当非限制性定语从句which was made visible by的省略… ;
b) 此处的make是使役动词‘使得’,即由主动形式 make the webs visible化来的,visible是补足语,意思是“使的蜘蛛网清晰可见”。
c)that hangs on them从句是定语从句;
d)reaching from one tree, branch and shrub是现在分词短语作陪衬性状语;
5. which webs are commonly thought to be made in the night, because they appear only in the morning.
Which从句是的定语从句,表示前面说的那种现象,关系词which的关系复杂,改回到主动to think webs to make which就会解开乱麻(认为蜘蛛网造成了这种现象)。
Nor can one ...but he shall 你若是...一定会.
进行下语法解释,thanks a lot
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