早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享



( )266.Put a bit of sugar in the coffee,and it will ____ better.
A.sound B.taste C.look D.make
( )267.Kate didn’t go to the movie last night because she had to ___ her sick dog at home.
A.look at B.look up C.look for D.look after
( )268.These books ____ out of the reading room.You have to read them here.
A.can't take B.must be taken C.can take D.mustn't be taken
( )269.--How old is your son?-- ____ .We had a special party for his ____ birthday last Sunday.
A.Nine; ninth B.Nine; nine C.Ninth; nine D.Ninth; ninth
( )270.Don't ____ your hope no matter what happens.
A.write down B.look for C.go over D.give up
B D D A D记得追加分数.