早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


I .choose the best answers.1*25
1.you drew!
[A] How beautiful [B] What beautifully [C] How beautifully
2.Please remember to close all the windows you leave.
[A] while [B] because [C] before
3.Jim,together with his parents,going to visit us this weekend.
[A] is [B] are [C] will be
4.We you a pleasant trip to Beijing.
[A] hope [B] wish [C] want
5.___________,is this Xiao Li’s office?
[A] Excuse me [B] Sorry [C] Pardon
6.Excuse me for calling you so in the evening.
[A] late [B] later [C] lately
7.When everyone was ,the meeting began.
[A] sit [B] seated [C] seating
8.Jake is volleyball in the class.
[A] good in [B] not bad at [C] not bad on
9.There aren’t many problems for me to .
[A] care about [B] care for [C] take care for
10.The government has decided to build another bridge the Yangtze River.
[A] above [B] over [C] across
11.Whenever I these days,I always carry my raincoat.
[A] went out [B] go out [C] am going out
12.cute rabbits!
[A] How [B] What [C] What’s weather
13.This is the reason an airplane can fly in the sky.
[A] why [B] which [C] for that
14.A large box of jewels by the explorers last year.
[A] was found [B] were found [C] found
15.Alice has told me one that she preferred to .
[A] skiing…skating [B] ski...skate [C] to ski...skate
16.Could you make her laughing?
[A] stop [B] stopped [C] had stopped
17.He into the office building when the fire bell rang.
[A] goes [B] has gone [C] was going
18.I the picture from the wall in order to clean it.
[A] set up [B] took down [C] looked at
19.I from him since he left.
[A] didn’t hear [B]haven’t heared [C] haven’t heard
20.He asleep while he was reading.
[A] was falling [B] fell [C] falls
21.Bob won’t stop trying he gets what he wants.
[A] as [B] that [C] till
22.Do you know that women black?
[A] with [B] on [C] in
23.The bag books mine.
[A] full of; are [B] full of; is [C] full in; are
24.I can’t stay long.
[A] to [B] at [C] for
25.This is the right size.It me very well.
[A] likes [B] belongs to [C] fits
6-10 ABBAB
11-15 BBAAA
16-20 ABBCB
21-25 CCBCC