早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
1.He tried to go away without being noticed by the teacher,snd luck_____him.
A.went along with B.went on with C.went against D.went over
2.I saw no more than one camera left in that shop.Will you go and buy_____?
A.some B.it C.any D.one
3."How do you like Mr Li's painting?"
"To tell you the truth,no more paints_____."
A.worse B.bad C.the worst D.badly
4.How much a person can earn at this work____his skill.
A.depend on B.depends on C.is depended on D.to depend on
5.Paul doesn't have to be made_____.He always works hard.
A.learn B.to learn C.learned D.learning
(be made )
6.I'm busy today.Shall we discuss the problem_____?
A.every other day B.the other day C.every day D.another day
7.Industrial production has risen____two fifths in the past three years.
A.by B.for C.with D.at
People in all countries have for years studied 1._______
the weather and managed to make weather forecast.2._____
The following is some of their findings.Sometimes 3.______
distant objects like hills and tall trees seemed to be clear and near.4._____
When distant sound,such as the noise from far-off(遥远) trains,5.______
are heard very clearly,wet and storm weather is coming.6._______
A.went along with B.went on with C.went against D.went over
2.I saw no more than one camera left in that shop.Will you go and buy_____?
A.some B.it C.any D.one
3."How do you like Mr Li's painting?"
"To tell you the truth,no more paints_____."
A.worse B.bad C.the worst D.badly
4.How much a person can earn at this work____his skill.
A.depend on B.depends on C.is depended on D.to depend on
5.Paul doesn't have to be made_____.He always works hard.
A.learn B.to learn C.learned D.learning
(be made )
6.I'm busy today.Shall we discuss the problem_____?
A.every other day B.the other day C.every day D.another day
7.Industrial production has risen____two fifths in the past three years.
A.by B.for C.with D.at
People in all countries have for years studied 1._______
the weather and managed to make weather forecast.2._____
The following is some of their findings.Sometimes 3.______
distant objects like hills and tall trees seemed to be clear and near.4._____
When distant sound,such as the noise from far-off(遥远) trains,5.______
are heard very clearly,wet and storm weather is coming.6._______
这么多……1、snd是什么?他试着在老师没注意的情况下离开了A、一起去,并肩作战B、与……继续下去C、违反.反对D、复习2.I saw no more than one camera left in that shop.Will you go and buy_____?A.some B.it ...
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