早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
Now society, more and more people use mobile phones. 一方面让我们更方便,但是使用手机也有害处.
On the one hand to make us more convenient, but use phones have harm. 1,头部——增加患脑瘤风险.
1, the head-increase had a tumor risk. 2,眼睛——频繁接听手机易患白内障!
2, eyes-frequent answer phone susceptibility cataract! 3, 骨头——研究人员警告称手机辐射或致骨质疏松.
3, bones--researchers warned that a cell phone radiation or cause osteoporosis. 4,皮肤——过度使用手机或致“手机皮肤炎”.
4, the skin-mobile phone or excessive of skin inflammation "mobile phone". 5,精子——手机可杀死三成精子.
5, sperm-mobile phone can kill thirty percent sperm. 6, 手部——长时间打电话易患手机肘.
6, the hand-long time to call a mobile phone cubits.
Now society, more and more people use mobile phones. 一方面让我们更方便,但是使用手机也有害处.
On the one hand to make us more convenient, but use phones have harm. 1,头部——增加患脑瘤风险.
1, the head-increase had a tumor risk. 2,眼睛——频繁接听手机易患白内障!
2, eyes-frequent answer phone susceptibility cataract! 3, 骨头——研究人员警告称手机辐射或致骨质疏松.
3, bones--researchers warned that a cell phone radiation or cause osteoporosis. 4,皮肤——过度使用手机或致“手机皮肤炎”.
4, the skin-mobile phone or excessive of skin inflammation "mobile phone". 5,精子——手机可杀死三成精子.
5, sperm-mobile phone can kill thirty percent sperm. 6, 手部——长时间打电话易患手机肘.
6, the hand-long time to call a mobile phone cubits.
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