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Saving Private Ryan
Saving Private Ryan is a film which was directed by Steven Spielberg. The two main charactrs are Captain John Miller,played by Tom Hanks, and private James Ryan,played by Matt Damon.
James Ryan is the fourth brother to be involed in the Second World War.His three brothers has already been killed, two of them in the D-Day landing in Normandy, the other in a battle in another part of the world.Their heart-broken mother receives the news about all her dead sons on the same day.The US army decides to send a groups of men into the French countryside to try to find the fourth brother.Captain Miller, a hero and the surviror of the Omaha Beach battle, is choosen to lead the rescue team of eight men.
The film opens with a 30-minute sequence of the invasion of Normandy, probably the most violent images of war ever shown in a film.We see the full horror of the war,and the chaos and the senseless waste of life.
Saving Private Ryan is an unforgettable anti-war film,and also a story of couerage and sacrifice.Spielberg has made a lot of good films, but he has never made one with such a strong message.And the message is simple---We want peace,we don't want war.
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