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求一篇以My dream job 为题的英语作文
There are various kinds of jobs in the world,but different people are attracted by different jobs because everyone has his own interest and destination,Many people consider a dream job as a means of making more money and living more comfortably,It may sound reasonable because money is the foundation of life.
As far as my dream job is concerned,I think I want to be a psychologist,I have made up my mind to do what I really want to so that I can realize my ideal,I believe interest is of the utmost importance in choosing a job,I have been interested in psychology for a long time,so I want to be a psychologist in the future,I think being a psychologist can help lots of people lead a happier life.
However,it isn't easy for me to become a qualified psychologist and many people around me think that it's unrealistic to me.NevertheLess,I'll make every effort to gain much more knowledge,patience,methods,etc.To live up to The name of a qualified psychologist.I believe my dream will come true someday.
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